Thursday, September 26, 2024

तत्कालीन थाना प्रभारी सस्पेंड , शव से संक्रमण की जताई आशंका

इस मामले में अब तक तीन पुलिस अधिकारी- कर्मचारियों को निलंबित किया गया था। पीड़ित परिवार के सदस्य घटना के बाद से ही पुलिस पर जांच में लापरवाही का आरोप लगा रहे थे। स्वजन ने मृतक संदीप लकड़ा के शव का अभी तक अंतिम संस्कार नहीं किया है।

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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

महाकाल मंदिर परिसर में केक काटकर मनाया जन्मदिन, विरोध के बाद 10 कर्मचारी निलंबित

उज्जैन के ज्योतिर्लिंग महाकाल मंदिर में एक निजी कंपनी के कर्मचारियों ने जन्मदिन मनाने के लिए केक काटा, जिसका वीडियो वायरल होने पर मंदिर प्रशासन ने नाराजगी जताई। पुजारियों ने इसे धार्मिक परंपरा के विरुद्ध बताया, जिसके बाद दस कर्मचारियों को निलंबित किया गया।

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Detonator on Railway Track: ट्रेन डिरेल करने के षड्यंत्र में आतंकी संगठन के जुड़ाव की भी जांच, आरोपी गैंगमेन साबिर 5 दिनी रिमांड पर

खंडवा-बुरहानपुर रेलवे ट्रैक पर डेटोनेटर विस्‍फोट मामले में आरोपी गैंगमेर साबिर से पूछताछ जारी है।आधिकारिक सूत्रों का कहना है कि रेलवे ट्रैक पर जिस तरह की घटना हुई है, उसमें केंद्रीय जांच एजेंसियां इसकी जांच अत्यंत गंभीरता से कर रही हैं। बता दें कि 18 सितंबर को सेना की विशेष ट्रेन के सामने ट्रैक पर रखे गए 10 डेटोनेटर में विस्फोट हुआ था।

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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Have Endorsed Permanent UN Security Council Seat For India: Antony Blinken

Affirming support for the reformation of the United Nations Security Council to better represent the developing world, US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken said that the United States has long endorsed permanent seats in the council for India, Japan and Germany.

Speaking at the 'Summit of the Future' at the 79th United Nations General Assembly in New York on Monday (local time), Mr Blinken put forward the US' idea of two permanent seats for Africa, one rotating seat for Small Island Developing States, and permanent representation for Latin America and the Caribbean.

"Reforming the UN Security Council to better represent the developing world and, more broadly, the world as it is today. The United States believes that this should include two permanent seats for Africa, one rotating seat for Small Island Developing States, and permanent representation for Latin America and the Caribbean. In addition to the permanent seats for countries, we've long endorsed Germany, Japan, and India," he said.

"The United States supports starting negotiations on Council reforms immediately," he added.

Mr Blinken conveyed the US's commitment to adapting the UN system to reflect the current geopolitical situation driving the world, which didn't exist back in 1945. However, he resolutely opposed to any revision of any reformers, which could alter the core principle of the UN Charter.

"The United States is committed to adapting the UN system to reflect this world of today and tomorrow--not the one that existed in 1945 but we are and we will remain resolutely opposed to revisionism. We will not accept efforts to tear down, dilute, or fundamentally alter the core principle of the UN Charter," Mr Blinken further said.

Notably, India has long sought a permanent seat in the Security Council to better represent the interests of the developing world. The nation's quest has gained momentum with support from the international community.

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is composed of 15 member states, including five permanent members with veto power and ten non-permanent members elected for two-year terms.

The five permanent members of the UNSC include China, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, and the United States. The non-permanent members of the United Nations Security Council are elected for 2-year terms by the UNGA.

Earlier on Monday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his address at the 'Summit of the Future' at the UN General Assembly in New York, also called for reforms in the global institutions and termed reforms the "key to relevance."

He also called the African Union's inclusion as a permanent member in the G20 an "important step" in this direction.

PM Narendra Modi also expressed India's willingness to share its experiences of success with the Global South. He said that the success of humanity lies in "collective strength" and not the battlefield.

"When we discuss the global future, we must accord the highest priority to a human-centric approach. While prioritising sustainable development, we must also ensure human welfare, food, and health security. By lifting 250 million people out of poverty in India, we have demonstrated that sustainable development can be successful. We are ready to share our experiences of our success with the Global South. The success of humanity lies in our collective strength, not on the battlefield," PM Modi said.

Later during the special briefing on the Prime Minister's US visit, Foreign Secretary Vikram Misri also appreciated that the UN Summit document has a detailed paragraph on UN Security Council reforms, which is a "very good beginning."

"I would only point you in the direction of the fact that for the first time, a UN Summit document has a detailed paragraph on UN Security Council reform, so it may not have every single detail in every area that we would imagine or we would like there to be but I think it's a good beginning and we look forward eventually to the beginning of text-based negotiations in a fixed time frame going forward. But this should be seen as the first step towards that objective and the fact that till now we haven't had discussions based on text but an agreement at this level in the pact that keeps open the possibilities of a reform of the UN system is a gain from any perspective," he stated.

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Army, Forest Team Captures 2 Leopards After 3 Killed In Attacks In Udaipur

The forest department in Udaipur district, with the help of the Army, has captured two leopards, bringing a sigh of relief to residents of Gogunda town where three people were killed in attacks by the big cats last week, officials said on Tuesday.

The leopards were captured in separate cages on Monday night, they added.

The traps were set following a wave of panic in the community after the rise in deaths due to leopard attacks.

In response to the fatalities, which included a 16-year-old girl, a 50-year-old man, and a 40-year-old woman, the forest department launched a search operation with local police, according to officials.

A team from the Indian Army was also called in on Saturday to trace the animals. Cages were strategically placed at six locations in the area, they said.

Gogunda police station SHO Shaitan Singh Nathawat said the leopards were rescued and transported to Sajjangarh Biological Park in Udaipur city by the forest department team.

Nathawat said prima facie, one of the two big cats, the older one who is lacking teeth, might have been responsible for the recent fatal attacks on humans.

"The animal's inability to hunt its natural prey due to broken or lack of canines likely drove it to attack humans, making it easier for the leopard to seek alternative sources of food. However, the forest officials are examining the matter in detail," he said.

The search operation commenced on Wednesday, and the Army utilised drones for surveillance starting Saturday, the officials said.

Camera traps were also used to capture the leopards' movements, they added.

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Monday, September 23, 2024

हार्वर्ड यूनिवर्सिटी में पढ़ाई जाएगी रीवा के अल्ट्रा मेगा सोलर प्लांट की केस स्टडी

रीवा का अल्ट्रा मेगा सोलर प्लांट हार्वर्ड यूनिवर्सिटी द्वारा केस स्टडी के रूप में शामिल किया गया है। यह विश्व का सबसे बड़ा और सबसे सस्ता सोलर प्लांट है, जो 3.3 रुपये प्रति यूनिट बिजली प्रदान करता है। प्रतिदिन 37 लाख यूनिट बिजली उत्पादन होता है, जिसमें से 24% दिल्ली मेट्रो को सप्लाई किया जाता है।

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Sunday, September 22, 2024

UK University Invites Applications For MBA In Fashion Business And Entrepreneurship

Ravensbourne University, London is currently accepting applications for its one-year MBA in Fashion Business & Entrepreneurship. This programme, tailored for aspiring fashion professionals and entrepreneurs, provides students with advanced knowledge and practical skills needed to thrive in the rapidly changing fashion industry.

According to a press release, students will have the opportunity to work with industry experts, participate in live projects, and benefit from Ravensbourne's extensive network of fashion and business professionals.

In addition to the MBA, the university offers a variety of creative courses across design, media, and technology, including BA (Hons) in Interior Design Environment Architecture, BA (Hons) in Digital Photography, and BA (Hons) in Music & Sound Production.

Why Pursue MBA In Fashion Business And Entrepreneurship?

This programme equips students with sought-after skills in business and entrepreneurship, specifically within the fashion industry. It enables learners to develop expertise in leadership, business strategy, and innovation at the master's level, building the confidence to succeed in the highly competitive fashion market. The programme emphasises hands-on experience in fashion leadership through practical, real-world tasks, enhancing employment prospects. Students also have the opportunity to expand their professional network by collaborating with peers who bring diverse skill sets, all within a tech-savvy, creative community.

Module Completion And Assessment Criteria

Students must score at least 40% for undergraduate modules and 50% for postgraduate modules to pass. Certain modules, such as electives, are graded on a Pass/Fail basis, without numerical marks. Pass/Fail grades do not contribute to final award classifications.

A student who completes all required assessments but has not yet finished their current level may proceed to the next term, as approved by the Interim Assessment Board.

Reassessment Policy

If a student fails or does not submit an assessment, it will result in a failing grade for that component or module. Each student is allowed three attempts per assessment: one initial attempt and two resits. When a failed assessment is successfully retaken, the maximum grade is capped at 40% for undergraduates and 50% for postgraduates, unless extenuating circumstances are granted.

Award Criteria

Upon completing the approved course of study, students will receive their designated degree. Students who leave the program before completion may qualify for one of the following exit awards:

Postgraduate Certificate in Fashion Business and Entrepreneurship, awarded upon completing specified modules and meeting the learning outcomes for the certificate.

Postgraduate Diploma in Fashion Business and Entrepreneurship, awarded upon completing the necessary modules and achieving the learning outcomes for the diploma.

MBA in Fashion Business and Entrepreneurship (ordinary Master's degree), awarded upon successful completion of the full course and its specified learning outcomes.

Application Process

Eligible candidates who wish to apply can do so directly through the university's online application portal. Each course and mode of study has a specific link for applications.

To proceed, select your preferred start date and mode from the 'Apply now' dropdown at the top of this page, and you will be taken to the relevant section within the portal.

Course fee

The full-time course fees are 12,400 pounds for UK students and 19,500 pounds for international students, approximately Rs 12.5 lakh and Rs 19.7 lakh respectively, based on current exchange rates.

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माता परमेश्वरी महोत्सव 25 नवंबर से , बांटी गई जिम्मेदारी

देवांगन समाज द्वारा प्रतिवर्ष की भांति इस वर्ष भी सात दिवसीय माता परमेश्वरी महोत्सव का आयोजन 25 नवंबर से किया गया है। समापन एक दिसंबर को होगा।

from Nai Dunia Hindi News - Latest News

Saturday, September 21, 2024

छत्तीसगढ़ बंद का जिले में रहा मिला जुला असर

छत्तीसगढ़ बंद को चेम्बर आफ कामर्स का समर्थन नहीं मिला इसके चलतेबंद का असर नहीं दिखा। चेम्बर आफ कामर्स जांजगीर के अध्यक्ष मनोज अग्रवाल ने बताया कि छत्तीसगढ़ बंद को चेम्बर आफ कामर्स ने नियम बनाया है कि व्यापारिक प्रतिष्ठान बंद रखने के लिए तीन दिन पहले सूचना देनी होगी। शहर के कांग्रेसजनों ने एक दिन पहले संपर्क किया था

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Friday, September 20, 2024

As Sri Lanka Votes, NDTV Asks Presidential Candidate 9 Key Questions

Sri Lanka, which is slowly recovering from its worst-ever economic crisis, will vote to elect the next President on Saturday. While current President Ranil Wickremesinghe is seeking another term in office, he is being challenged by the key Opposition leader Sajith Premadasa.

Mr Premadasa, 57, is the son of former President Ranasinghe Premadasa. He leads the Samagi Jana Balawegaya party or SJB, that separated from Ranil Wickremesinghe's party - United National Party or UNP in 2020.

Mr Premadasa's centrist, more left-leaning party has called for major changes to the $2.9 billion bailout programme with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and has outlined plans of his own to adjust some targets, such as changing taxes to reduce the cost of living. He plans a very different approach to that of Mr Wickremesinghe.

Mr Premadasa favours a mix of interventionist and free-market economic policies, and has promised subsidies and has been accused of promising freebies too at his election rallies. But he says he has a different vision for Sri Lanka and has a plan for how he will achieve them.

Speaking exclusively to NDTV, Mr Premadasa spoke about how his vision is different from the current regime, how he plans to revive the economy differently from how the current President is doing, how he views the India-Sri Lanka relationship and how he plans to tackle China.

Here are the key highlights of his interview to NDTV:

Q) What according to you makes these elections so significant and crucial?
A) Sri Lanka is facing multiple crises. In the economic sphere, the social sphere, the political sphere - and we don't have a legitimate government in the sense that the present administration is an extension of the administration that was primarily responsible for making Sri Lanka bankrupt. It is the very same parliamentary majority that led to the bankruptcy. So the Sri Lankan people are eagerly waiting to express their opinions and provide their mandate for change. Change that will make the country prosperous.

Q) It is acknowledged widely that the incumbent President, Ranil Wickremesinghe, is credited for bringing stability to the economy, but you are saying he is part of the problem and not the solution - that is a serious charge. Can you please elaborate?
A) If one takes out their laurels and gets on to the streets and talks to the poor, the downtrodden, the self-employed, the labour force, the entrepreneurs, the rural and urban estate sectors; if you look at the major sections of society, other than those who are super rich, people who have been impacted detrimentally, and if I may provide you with some statistics... stats which were ascertained by the government statistical department has Illustrated that more than 260,000 micro, small and medium sized enterprises have closed. Millions have become unemployed, millions more have become poor, and the government does not have a strategy to deal with it.

The micro, small, and medium sized enterprises contribute to 50% of GDP, employs over 4 million, so people are suffering from the policies of a government that has basically suffocated the people. So, if you achieving stability at great human cost... at a cost where people are suffering,  then I don't think that's the right way to do it.

Q) So, in comparison, what is your action plan?
A) Where we defer, is that we will grow ourselves out of the problem. We have to go on a massive economic growth trajectory. Huge amounts of FDI coming into Sri Lanka, restructuring of society to ensure that entrepreneurs thrive. That the hold of the bureaucracy, which has basically suffocated entrepreneurship, must be ended. Ensure that businesses flourish... ensure that the micro, small, and medium sized industry are given adequate support. What you have right now is not inclusivity, it's exclusive.

Q) So, how do you plan to ensure all this? How do you go about solving the funding problem? And furthermore, ensure that the economy grows and not shrinks because of the fund crunch?
A) You're quite correct in stating that the economy is fragile. That fragility does not give an excuse to be corrupt... to loot the public treasury. Shold we be elected, what we propose to do is to ensure that we follow good governance practices... ensure that the major indices that have a contributing factor with regard to foreign direct investment, good governance indices, ease of doing business... We should have a responsible government, a transparent government, and a  government that is accountable - All three are lacking at the moment.

Q) One of the criticisms your party has faced largely, is that you are promising large subsidies and freebies to people at a time when the economy is facing a fund crunch. Where will the funds come from? Would that not jeopardise the economy further?
A) We will eradicate the crony-capitalist structure that is existing at present. We will ensure that growth is the major phenomenon in our economic program. This government doesn't understand growth. They are contracting growth. To show everybody that the economy is stable, you're making everything smaller - That is not the way to go. We have to grow ourselves out of the problem. So, stability with malnutrition, stability with huge unemployment, stability with growth contraction, stability while losing livelihoods, stability while having lower standards of living... I'm sorry, I don't agree with that. The difference between the government and us is that we don't just focus on macroeconomics, we also look at the microeconomics. So, we are taking an overarching integrated approach, whereas this government is only keen on showing to the whole world and to a particular class in our country that everything is stable and fine.

Q) India has strategic interests in the region. India had and still has very close ties with Sri Lanka. How do you view the India-Sri Lanka relationship from here on?
A) When you talk of recovery, I must say in these very difficult and dire times, India has been one of the countries that has been very generous, and very supportive... and I would like to extend a very big thank you to the Indian government, PM Modi's government, and also to the people of India... and to the various states that have come forward to help our country. So, a big thank you. Having said that, I don't think Sri Lanka is on the correct path to recovery. So, we will ensure that we have a very balanced policy. Where India comes in, is that our External Affairs policy will be to promote our national interest. We will do what is right for our country, and it is in the interest of our country to have cordial relation with India and the rest of the powers in the world.

We do what recognise that we have a special relationship, a kinship, a camaraderie between our two countries and we have a history of positive progressive and good relationship. We have to build upon that and I think we will ensure that mutual interests that matter to both of us are accomplished.

Q) China is a significant player in the region and the last couple of years has seen a rise in Chinese Investments and  rise in Chinese naval presence in the region. How do you view the China equation for Sri Lanka?
A) As I mentioned to you, in our external relations, we have a special relationship with India. But we also have to work with all of the other nation states. I'm the only politician (from Sri Lanka) who has proposed that India must be included in the United Nations Security Council. Having said that, we as a country will work with all other countries, all other democracies, all other nation states to ensure that Sri Lanka's national interests are achieved. We will in no way work towards downgrading the security and geopolitical interests of others.

Q) What is your reasoning of wanting India as a veto power in the UN Security Council?
A) Well, that is a major reflection of global geopolitical reality and I must say it's not just China... all the five permanent members of the UN Security Council have veto power. Sri Lanka as a whole has been very balanced. We want to make sure that we protect our interests and also ensure that interests of other nation states are also not compromised and neutralised. So we are very sensitive to ensure that we don't interfere in the affairs of other nations.

Q) What would be your number one expectation or demand from India, keeping in mind your vision for Sri Lanka and the region?
A) First and foremost, I must say I don't demand. I always use uh the power to persuade. I will use all available skills at my disposal to persuade India to invest more in Sri Lanka, to support Sri Lanka to come out of this problem, to help the people of Sri Lanka... ensure that social and economic stability are protected. So, I would use my power to persuade your great country, India, to protect Sri Lankan people's human rights, not just political and civil rights, but their economic rights, their social rights, their right to life, right to alleviate poverty, right to alleviate unemployment... and that's the arena in which we hope to cooperate with India.

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Man Working On Mumbai's Coastal Road Hit By Diamond Merchant's BMW, Dies

A worker was killed after he was hit by a BMW car being driven by a diamond merchant on the Coastal Road at Worli in central Mumbai, police said on Friday.

The incident occurred on Monday evening on the south-bound corridor of the Coastal Road, which was partially opened for use earlier this year, an official said.

This is the first fatal accident on the Coastal Road, according to the police.

Based on a complaint lodged by a colleague of the victim, Kashmir Misa Singh, who worked as a wireman at the site, police registered a case against the diamond merchant, Rahil Himanshu Mehta (45), a resident of Worli, he said.

In his complaint, Pintukumar Thakur said, "All workers, including Kashmir Singh, were completing their respective assigned tasks of the Coastal Road on Monday. Around 7 pm, Singh was standing on the northbound of the road and movement of traffic on both sides was on. Suddenly, a loud sound on the southbound corridor caught everyone's attention. All the workers rushed to the spot and saw a blue BMW car parked by the roadside, while Singh was lying in the middle of the road." He was rushed to Bhatia Hospital in an ambulance, but was declared dead on arrival, the police official said.

"After being informed, a police team reached the site and took the BMW car driver into custody," he said.

Thakur and Singh worked on the Coastal Road site and stayed together in the Jijamata Nagar area in the accommodation provided by the construction company, he said.

Based on a complaint, a case under section 106 (1) (causing death by negligence), 281 (rash driving or riding on a public way) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) and relevant sections of Motor Vehicles Act was registered, he said, adding that further probe is underway.

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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Sitting Too Much? Here's How Much Exercise You Need To Counteract The Effects

A scientific study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine has determined just how many exercises a person needs to compensate for his increased risk of bad health due to prolonged sitting. The study combed through data from thousands of participants and found that 30-40 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercise each day can do enough to negate the increased risk of death associated with prolonged sitting.

As per the research, up to 40 minutes of "moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity" every day is about the right amount to balance out 10 hours of sitting still. 

"In active individuals doing about 30-40 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity, the association between high sedentary time and risk of death is not significantly different from those with low amounts of sedentary time," the researchers explained in their paper.

These findings align with the World Health Organisation's 2020 Global Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour, which recommend 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75-150 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week. 

This study drives home the point that some exercise is good exercise, urging people to find ways of adding as much movement as possible into daily life, although it may only just consist of taking the stairs rather than the elevator or even running around with the children while performing household chores.

Although it seems to offer valuable insights, there is recognition that further research is needed in order to set the exact limit for "too much sitting." However, the study emphasises the balance of long periods of sitting with other exercises for healthy living.

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S Jaishankar Holds Phone Call With Newly Appointed Ukrainian Counterpart

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Thursday held a phone conversation with newly-appointed Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha with a focus on boosting bilateral ties and finding a solution to the conflict in Ukraine.

The conversation came nearly a month after Prime Minister Narendra Modi's high-profile trip to Kyiv.

"I spoke with Subrahmanyam Jaishankar to build on Narendra Modi's historic visit to Kyiv and talks with Zelenskyy," Sybiha said.

"We agreed to take our bilateral relations forward in all promising areas of cooperation. We exchanged views ahead of UNGA and coordinated next steps in political dialogue," he said after the talks.

In a post on X, Mr Jaishankar said he was looking forward to working with the Ukrainian foreign minister.

"Spoke with the new Ukrainian FM @andrii_sybiha today. Congratulated him on his appointment. Look forward to working with him," he said.

It is learnt that the Russia-Ukraine conflict figured in the talks.

In his talks with Zelenskyy, Modi said both Ukraine and Russia should sit together without wasting time to end the ongoing war and that India was ready to play an "active role" to restore peace in the region.

The prime minister said India was on the side of peace since the beginning of the conflict and he would even like to contribute personally for a peaceful resolution of the crisis.

Modi's nearly nine-hour visit to Ukraine, the first by an Indian prime minister since its independence in 1991, came six weeks after he held summit talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

India has been maintaining that the conflict in Ukraine must be resolved through dialogue and diplomacy.

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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

भोपाल में 3 वर्षीय बच्‍ची से दुष्‍कर्म मामले पर सीएम गंभीर, मुख्‍य सचिव को कहा-हाईकोर्ट से बात करें, कठोर सजा दिलाएं

बच्ची के मां की शिकायत पर कमलानगर थाना पुलिस ने आरोपित को मंगलवार को कोर्ट में पेश करने के बाद जेल में भेज दिया। मामले की जांच के लिए भोपाल पुलिस कमिश्नर हरिनारायणचारी मिश्र ने विशेष जांच दल (एसआइटी) का गठन किया है। इसका नेतृत्व एसीपी निधि सक्सेना करेंगी। उनके साथ कमलानगर थाना प्रभारी निरूपा पांडे और महिला थाना प्रभारी शिल्पा कौरव भी जांच दल में शामिल हैं।

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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

25 Children Killed After Bus Carrying Religious Pilgrim Crashes In Nigeria

A bus carrying Muslim faithful celebrating the birth of Prophet Mohammed crashed in northern Nigeria's Kaduna state, killing at least 25 children, an official told AFP Tuesday.

Organisers of the religious pilgrimage gave a higher count of 40, with 31 injured.

The accident occurred on Sunday when the speeding bus overloaded with young adherents of the Tijjaniyya Sufi order lost control and crashed into a truck in Lere district, Kabiru Nadabo, head of the local office of Nigeria's road safety agency, FRSC, said.

"The bus was overloaded with 63 children and the driver was speeding recklessly when he lost control and rammed into an articulated truck," Nadabo said.

"Fifteen of them died on the spot while 48 injured were taken to various hospitals, among which 10 died the following day, raising the death toll to 25," he said.

The children were from Kwandare village and heading to the nearby town of Saminaka for the annual Maulud festivities marking the birth of the Prophet, said Nadabo.

He said the death count could have changed since the injured were taken to hospitals in various locations and he did not get further updates.

Dikko Dahiru, one of the organisers of the trip, said 40 children were killed in the accident, while 31 were injured.

"The bus was carrying 71 passengers and 36 died instantly while four more died in hospital the next day," said Dahiru, whose nephew was among the dead.

"Thirty-one were taken to hospitals with severe injuries, 11 of them in critical condition," he said.

Nigerian President Bola Ahmed Tinubu offered his condolences to the victims' families and those injured, adding that he had "prayed for the repose of the souls of the departed".

In a statement on Tuesday, the president also said he instructed the FRSC "to improve highway monitoring and reduce the number of road accidents nationwide".

Road accidents are common on Nigeria's poorly maintained roads due largely to speeding and disregard for traffic rules.

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Arvind Kejriwal Resignation Updates: Arvind Kejriwal Resigns, Atishi To Be Delhi Chief Minister

Arvind Kejriwal Resignation LIVE Updates: Arvind Kejriwal resigned today as the Chief Minister of Delhi. Senior AAP leader Atishi, who is currently serving as the Delhi Education Minister, will take up the top post after Mr Kejriwal steps down. Mr Kejriwal, who was granted bail in the Delhi liquor police case on Friday, had announced he will not return to the top post until his party is re-elected in the upcoming state polls - which he said will be the "people's order".

At the meeting of AAP MLAs today, party leader Dilip Pandey proposed that Mr Kejriwal decide on the Chief Minister face. When the AAP national convener proposed Ms Atishi's name, all AAP MLAs stood up and accepted it and Ms Atishi was elected leader of the legislature party. 

Ms Atishi now holds key portfolios in the Delhi government such as Education and Public Works Department. An Oxford University alumnus and a Rhodes scholar, Ms Atishi has worked extensively in the AAP's flagship exercise to overhaul education in Delhi's schools.

Here are the Highlights on Arvind Kejriwal's resignation:

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Monday, September 16, 2024

मेरी नहीं तो किसी की नहीं! शादीशुदा युवक ने एक तरफा प्यार में रेता युवती का गला, खुद तालाब में कूदा

तेलीबांधा थाना क्षेत्र में लाकेश्वर तारक ने एकतरफा प्रेम में युवती की हत्या कर दी। उसके बाद तेलीबांधा तालाब में कूद गया। आरोपी ने चाकू से युवती के गले पर वार किए, जिससे उसकी मौत हो गई। आरोपी को पुलिस ने गिरफ्तार कर लिया है।

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अदिति राव हैदरी और सिद्धार्थ की शादी फैंस के लिए हैरान करने वाली रही, क्योंकि किसी को इसकी कानों-कान खबर नहीं लगी। शादी कहां हुई इसकी आधिकारिक जानकारी नहीं है, लेकिन माना जा रहा है कि दोनों ने तेलंगाना के वानापर्थी स्थित 400 साल पुराने श्रीरंगपुर मंदिर में ब्याह रचाया है।

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व्यापारियों ने नवरात्र और दीपावली (Festival Season) की तैयारियां अभी से शुरू कर दी हैं। सराफा बाजार को उम्मीद है कि अक्टूबर में नवरात्र, दशहरा, धनतेरस, दीपावली के चलते सराफा का कारोबार 100 में से 70 से 80 प्रतिशत तक बढ़ेगा, जो अभी 40 से 50 प्रतिशत हो रहा है।

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करियर की शुरुआत में ही सही तरह से निवेश (Investment Tips) किया जाए, तो आगे चलकर राह आसान हो जाती है। एक्सपर्ट्स सलाह देते हैं कि विवाह से पहले ही निवेश की योजना बना लेना चाहिए।

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