Thursday, August 22, 2024

Top Employee Of This Bank Accused Of Sexual Harassment, Court Issues Notice

The Delhi High Court on Thursday issued a notice regarding a public interest litigation (PIL) challenging the appointment of Pankaj Dwivedi as the Executive Director of Union Bank of India.

The PIL, filed by a woman who has accused Pankaj Dwivedi of sexual harassment, questions his appointment, which was made on March 27 for a three-year term.

The notice was issued by a division bench consisting of Acting Chief Justice Manmohan and Justice Tushar Rao Gedela.

Advocate Prashant Bhushan, representing the woman, argued that Pankaj Dwivedi's appointment as Executive Director of Union Bank of India violated regulations due to the lack of vigilance clearance.

He emphasised that this contravenes the appointment norms for public sector undertakings like banks. Mr Bhushan also noted that a chargesheet had been filed against Pankaj Dwivedi in a sexual harassment case.

It was also argued by the petitioner that Pankaj Dwivedi was previously a General Manager at Punjab & Sind Bank before joining Union Bank of India. In 2020, the Supreme Court annulled the transfer of the woman who filed the plea against Pankaj Dwivedi. She had reported irregularities and corruption involving Pankaj Dwivedi at her branch and alleged that he sexually harassed her in 2018.

The woman had raised concerns about account maintenance for liquor contractors and corruption allegations against Pankaj Dwivedi.

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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

युवा व्यवसायी की हत्या कर जेवर, नकदी लेकर घर चला गया था संदेही

हत्या के बाद युवा व्यवसायी के सोने के जेवरातों और नकदी रकम को लेकर संदेही बड़े आराम से घर पहुंच गया था। बुधवार सुबह जब पुलिस ने उसे घर से पकड़ा तो उसने युवा व्यवसायी की हत्या कर दिए जाने की स्वीकारोक्ति कर ली। उसने युवा व्यवसायी का शव बरामद करवाया।

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क्वारी नदी में डूबे युवक को निकालने गए 4 लोग बहे, 2 SDRF जवान अभी भी लापता

भिंड के कचौंगरा में क्वारी नदी में पालतू मवेशी को निकालते समय युवक पानी में डूब गया। उसकी तलाश में गए ग्रामीण और एसडीआरएफ की बोट अनियंत्रित हो गई और चार लोग बह गए। एसडीआरएफ के दो जवान अभी लापता हैं। विजय को अस्पताल ले जाया गया, जहां उसे मृत घोषित कर दिया।

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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

MP Assembly Election 2028: प्रदेश में नए परिसीमन और महिला आरक्षण के साथ होगा साल 2028 का विधानसभा चुनाव

2028 के विधानसभा चुनावों में नए परिसीमन और 33 फीसदी महिला आरक्षण लागू होंगे। कांग्रेस ने परिसीमन और आरक्षण के लिए समिति गठित करने का निर्णय लिया, जबकि भाजपा आयोग के गठन के बाद तैयारी करेगी। नए परिसीमन से अनुसूचित जाति-जनजाति वर्ग की सीटों में बदलाव और नई सीटों का निर्धारण होगा।

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डकैती के मास्टर माइंड इस पूर्व फौजी सहित पांच को आजीवन कारावास की सजा

उसलापुर स्थित सती श्री ज्वेलर्स में डकैती डालने व ज्वेलरी शाप के संचालक के छोटे भाई पर जानलेवा हमला का है आरोप

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Monday, August 19, 2024

प्यार का बंधन और रक्षा का वचन

बहनें अपने साथ मिठाई सहित अन्य पकवान लाई थीं जिसे खिलाकर अपने भाइयों से संकल्प लिया गया। बहनों ने अपने भाईयों से कहा कि अब वे दोबारा ऐसा कृत्य न करें ताकि यह दिन देखने को मिले। राखी बांधने आई बहनों की आंखों से आंसुओं की धार बह रही थी। जिसे वे रोक नहीं पा रही थी। जेल में चार साल से रक्षा बंधन पर्व पर प्रतिबंध लगा हुआ था।

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Sunday, August 18, 2024

अनूपपुर में नहाते समय नदी में डूबे दो बच्चे, अस्पताल में मौत

जैतहरी थाना क्षेत्र के ग्राम चोलना में दो बच्चों की डूबने से मौत हो गई। गंभीर हालत में जैतहरी अस्पताल लाया गया था, जहां से अनूपपुर जिला अस्पताल रेफर किया गया, वहां शाम को उनकी मौत हो गई।

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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Widows Living In UP Shelter Homes Send Handmade Rakhis To PM Modi

Widows and destitute women living in shelter homes in Vrindavan have sent handmade rakhis to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Vineeta Verma, vice president of Sulabh International's Widow Help Programme, said this tradition was started by its founder Bindeshwari Pathak.

He believed widows are also entitled to celebrate all kinds of auspicious and cultural festivals, just like other women, she added.

She said this time 551 rakhis are being sent to the prime minister with pictures of Lord Ram and Thakur Bankebihari. 

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Germany To Cut Down Military Aid For Ukraine In 2025: Report

Germany, the second largest contributor of aid to Ukraine, plans to halve its military aid to Kyiv in 2025, a parliamentary source told AFP Saturday.

Instead, the government of Olaf Scholz will bank on money generated from frozen Russian assets to continue supporting Kyiv, and is not planning "additional aid" to the 4 billion euros ($4.4 billion) set aside in next year's budget.

This year, aid from Berlin amounted to 8 billion euros.

To compensate, Germany is counting on "the creation, within the framework of the G7 and the European Union, of a financial instrument using frozen Russian assets, said a separate source from inside the ministry of finance.

German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung said in its weekend edition that the move was part of an agreement between the chancellor, the Social Democratic party (SPD) and Finance Minister Christian Lindner.

Lindner is a member of junior coalition partner the Liberal party.

Ukraine's ambassador to Germany Oleksii Makeiev said in a posting on X, formerly Twitter, that "the security of Europe depends on Germany's political will to continue to play a frontline role in supporting Ukraine".

The 2025 budget has been the subject of fierce discussions between the government coalition of Liberals, the Greens and the Social Democrats.

Lindner has asked other ministries to make savings in order to respect a constitutional rule that aims to prevent the state from taking on too much debt.

However the budget is still subject to discussions before being adopted by the end of the year. The finance ministry said Saturday it was open to considering extra spending for Ukraine on a case-by-case basis.

Ukraine's allies have been working for several months on a mechanism to allow part of the $300 billion of Russian assets frozen worldwide to be used to support Kyiv in its war with Moscow.

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Friday, August 16, 2024

"Too Many Dead": Gaza Undertakers Stacking "Graves On Top Of Graves"

Undertakers are working like bricklayers in a Gaza cemetery, piling cinder blocks into tight rectangles, side by side, for freshly dug graves.

More than 10 months into the Gaza war, so many bodies are arriving at the cemetery in Deir el-Balah that the men, working in the hot sun, hardly have space to bury them.

"The cemetery is so full that we now dig graves on top of other graves, we've piled the dead in levels," says Saadi Hassan Barakeh, leading his team of gravediggers.

Barakeh, 63, has been burying the dead for 28 years. In "all the wars in Gaza", he says he has "never seen this".

Previously, Barakeh also oversaw burials at the nearby Ansar cemetery, which covers 3.5 hectares (8.6 acres).

But now "the Ansar cemetery is completely full. There were too many dead", he says, his clothes smeared in dirt from digging graves.

He now handles just the Al-Soueid cemetery, with its 5.5 hectares of graves. Yet even with one cemetery instead of two, he works "every day, from six in the morning to six in the evening".

"Before the war, we had one or two funerals per week, maximum five," he says, wearing a white prayer cap that matches his long beard.

"Now, there are weeks when I bury 200 to 300 people. It's unbelievable."

'I can't sleep'

Gaza's death count of just over 40,000 in more than 10 months of war, according to the Hamas-run territory's health ministry, is straining its people as well as its cemeteries.

Barakeh bears daily witness to the tragedies. Hoe in hand, he gives encouragement to his 12 workers as they prepare and close dozens of graves every day.

At night, however, some images are hard to forget.

"I can't sleep after seeing so many mangled children's bodies and dead women," he said, adding: "I buried 47 women from one family."

The October 7 Hamas attack which triggered the war resulted in the deaths of 1,198 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally of Israeli official figures.

Hamas operatives also seized 251 people, 111 of whom are still held in Gaza, including 39 the military says are dead.

Israel's retaliatory military offensive has killed at least 40,005 people in Gaza, according to the health ministry, which does not provide a breakdown of civilian and militant deaths.

"I buried a lot of women and children, and only two or three guys from Hamas," says Barakeh.

'Why the children?'

If Israelis "have a problem with (Yahya) Sinwar, why do they harm children?" he adds, referring to the alleged October 7 attacks mastermind who is now Hamas's overall leader.

"Let them kill Sinwar and all the others, but why the women and children?"

Mounds of freshly dug soil are reminders of recent burials. Graves with white headstones fill nearly all the available space, while men dig new holes in the few vacant areas.

The team forms a human chain to carry the cinder blocks, whose price has soared since Gaza's factories closed due to a lack of fuel and raw materials.

"One shekel ($0.27) before the war, 10 or 12 today," he lamented.

Besides gravediggers and the workers carrying cinder blocks, hardly anyone comes to funerals anymore, Barakeh says.

"Before the war, there were sometimes 1,000 people at one funeral; today there are days when we bury 100 people and there aren't even 20 to lay them to rest."

High above his head, the constant hum of an Israeli surveillance drone serves as a reminder of the aerial threat creating a steady stream of bodies.

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Thursday, August 15, 2024

NASA Shares Rare Picture Of South Africa's Largest River As Seen From Space

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) often delights space enthusiasts with updates on the latest discoveries related to galaxies, stars, and planets within our solar system. It also shares captivating images captured by its spacecraft. Now, in its most recent post, the US space agency dropped a photograph of South Africa's Orange River as seen from space. 

The picture was taken from about 250 miles (400 km) above Earth. "Orange you glad you didn't keep scrolling? The blue streak that snakes through this photo, taken from about 250 miles (400 km) above Earth, is known as the Orange River- largest river in South Africa. However, what probably caught your eye were the orange-red dunes surrounding it, part of the southern Kalahari Desert. Poking up through the sands are sinuous hills made up of very ancient, dark-toned rocks," the caption read.

NASA shared that the picture features a reddish desert, seen from space. It also has deep blue river snakes, with scattered hills and mountains in shades of black and white. 

See the post here:

Posted 16 hours ago, the picture has collected more than 19 lakh views on Instagram and counting. A user quipped, "Well that's an a-peeling sight."

"This looks like the album cover for The Bleeding by Cannibal Corpse," another user wrote.

'Absolutely incredible," the third user remarked. 

In southwestern Africa, the Orange River carves through a rugged, stark, and beautiful landscape before emptying its desert-sand-filled waters into the South Atlantic Ocean. The river is a political and geographical divide, separating Namibia from South Africa and the massive sand dunes of the lower Namib Desert from the swept-rock moonscape of northwestern Namaqualand, according to NASA.

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"Is Staying In India Inferior?": Techie Earning Rs 1 Lakh A Month Asks, Internet Reacts

An IT engineer, earning Rs 1 Lakh a month, has sparked discussion online after asking users about his future plans. Taking to Reddit, the 23-year-old expressed that he is confused about whether to continue living in India or relocate abroad. The Redditor also explained that seeing visuals that capture the lives of his friends living outside the country makes him feel "inferior". "This is an IT employee from India who is 23 and earns approximately 1 lakh per month. I think I earn pretty well but I still have an inferior feeling in myself that I'm not doing well," the user wrote. 

"This is because i see my friends doing higher studies in abroad and their stories and posts makes me jelous to be honest. Is staying in india inferior to settling in abroad," he asked on Reddit. The user further expressed his thoughts on how he feels about the entire situation. "If i wish i can study well and jump to a high paying job in india and im pretty confident ill do it . Still i feel i wont get the infrastructure or the standard or living i will get in abroad," he said. 

"So my question is , is it like bad or is it like im not doing good just because im in india . I dont wish to go to other countries and study leaving a good job and all other things here but the social pressure is making me feel inferior. I dont know if i put up the right words but still i would like to get a reply in all perspectives," the Reddit user concluded. 

Should i move away from india though im doing well
byu/ThomasShelby027 indevelopersIndia

The post was shared just a few days back. Since then, it has amassed more than 350 upvotes. The share has also prompted people to post varied comments. 

"Social media is designed to give you fomo... Jealousy is the bread and butter of insta... Do a Risk analysis and you might figure out if its really worth it for you... Higher studies abroad do have their own benifits but they come at a significant cost... Everyone wants to show off and hide the struggles," wrote one user. 

Also Read | "Education No More Affordable:" Bengaluru Man Reacts To ₹ 3.7 Lakh Kindergarten Fee

"Standard of living I get, but going abroad just because your friends are posting on Instagram is lame to be honest," commented another. 

"At least ur close to your family, and earning 1lakh is great, ur already earning someone's dream salary, and moving abroad coz of friends stories and all is not a good idea," expressed a third user. 

"Try getting a job directly without going through a master's program. Regardless of the pay (although you'll likely save more in absolute terms), it's still better to experience foreign countries, especially while you're at your peak physically," suggested fourth. 

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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Naxalism in MP: मुठभेड़ में नक्सलियों को किया ढेर... 11 जवानों को मिलेगा ‘वीरता पदक’

बालाघाट पुलिस और हाक फोर्स ने नक्सल उन्मूलन अभियान में साहस दिखाते हुए कई नक्सलियों को मुठभेड़ में मार गिराया, जिसके लिए 11 पुलिस अधिकारियों और जवानों को वीरता पदक के लिए चुना गया है। यह मप्र के लिए पहली बार है, जब इतने ज्यादा पदक मिले हैं।

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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

50 सेंटीमीटर से ढाई फिट तक ऊंचा करना होगा एनएच

।जलजमाव के कारण इस समय यह मार्ग लोगों के लिए भारी मुसीबत वाला साबित हो रहा है।कई जगह बड़ी नाली का निर्माण कराने की जरूरत है।सरगुजा सांसद चिंतामणि महराज ने सड़क का निरीक्षण कर उचित सलाह दी है।राशि भी उपलब्ध कराने की बात कही है जिससे उम्मीद बढ़ी है पर बारिश से बाद ही सड़क का काम शुरू हो सकेगा।

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Monday, August 12, 2024

Cop Dies After Rifle Goes Off Accidentally In Jammu And Kashmir's Poonch

A police personnel died when his service rifle unexpectedly went off in Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch district on Monday, said officials.

Mohd Asif, a resident of Surankote, was posted as a personal security officer to District Development Council member Sohail Malik, the officials said.

Asif died of an accidental discharge from his own service rifle near ITI, Surankote, they said.

His body was sent for post-mortem, they added.

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'Spectacles Shattered, Glass In Eyes': Autopsy Report Of Kolkata Doctor

More chilling details have emerged in the rape and murder of the trainee doctor in Kolkata, with the post-mortem report indicating that the accused had hit her so hard that the glasses of her spectacles shattered, shards piercing her eyes.

The 31-year-old post-graduate trainee, who was working at the city's renowned state government-run RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, was raped and murdered inside a seminar hall in the institution and her body was found on Friday morning. Sanjoy Roy, a civic volunteer working with the Kolkata Police, has been arrested for the crime.

The post-mortem report, which was handed over to the family of the trainee doctor by the Kolkata Police on Monday, revealed that she had suffered several injuries. Cuts were found on her hands and face. 

The report states that shards of glass from the spectacles likely caused the eye injuries that were found on her body.  

"Homicidal injuries are antemortem in nature with indication of sexual penetration," the report stated. This means that the wounds were inflicted on the trainee doctor while she was still alive and injuries on her private parts indicated that she was raped. 

After savagely hurting and sexually assaulting her, the accused killed the trainee doctor by throttling and smothering her. The report estimates the time of death to be between 3 and 5 am on Friday.

The police have said that after the murder, Sanjoy Roy - who was not associated with the RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, but frequented it - went home and slept in late. Officials told news agency PTI that he washed the clothes he was wearing to destroy evidence and that his shoes, with blood stains on them, were found during a search.


The horrific crime has sparked widespread protests and doctors in several cities, including Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata, have said all elective services will be halted till the investigation into the case is complete. 

Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday set a deadline for the Kolkata Police to solve the case, warning that the investigation will be handed over to the CBI if other accused, if any, are not arrested by then.

"If there are more accused... and all are not arrested by Sunday... we will hand over the case to the CBI, even though their success rate is low," the chief minister said after meeting the victim's family.

The Kolkata Police had said they are certain any other culprits would be arrested in the next four to five days. 

"We are in touch with family members. We will stay in touch and share progress with them. If, even after that, the family is not satisfied then whatever madam (Chief Minister Banerjee) has said will happen," Kolkata Police Commissioner Vineet Goyal said.

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कार को एक किमी घसीटा ट्रक ने, एनटीपीसी कर्मचारी ,पत्नी व पुत्र की मौत

मध्यप्रदेश के सिंगरौली स्थित नेशनल थर्मल पावर कॉरपोरेशन (एनटीपीसी) में कार्यरत हरिनारायण शर्मा (58), पत्नी चंदा शर्मा (53)तथा पुत्र पीयूष पांडेय (25) के साथ कार क्रमांक ओडी 16 एच 7588 में सवार होकर सिंगरौली से सुंदरगढ़ जा रहे थे। मुख्य मार्ग पर बमलाया के पास ट्रक क्रमांक सीजी 15 डीएच 7957 से कार की टक्कर हो गई।

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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Encounter Breaks Out Between Terrorists, Security Forces In J&K's Udhampur

An encounter broke out between terrorists and security forces in the higher reaches of Basantgarh area in Jammu and Kashmir's Udhampur district on Sunday, officials said.

Officials told IANS that the encounter broke out after contact was re-established with a group of terrorists with whom an exchange of fire had taken place on Tuesday.

The operation started after a joint team of police and security forces received input about the presence of terrorists in the area.

There have been a series of encounters between terrorists and security forces across Jammu and Kashmir in the recent past in which many terrorists and their commanders have been gunned down. Security forces have also taken casualties.

Initially confined to Poonch and Rajouri districts, terrorist activities are now spreading across other areas of Jammu that were relatively free from such incidents until a few years ago like the Chenab valley, that was declared militancy-free, and Udhampur and Kathua.

The highly trained terrorists have been ambushing vehicles and using grenades and armour-piercing bullets, as well as M4 assault rifles.

Sources say the rising militancy and the use of sophisticated weapons by terrorists indicate a significant escalation in the threat level. The frequent attacks have sparked political criticism, calls for stronger security measures, and heightened public concern.

Analysts say that over the last couple of years, the Pir Panjal region dividing Kashmir Valley with Jammu has witnessed a surge in militancy.

The relentless anti-terror operations in Kashmir have pushed terrorists to the mountains where they hide and wait for the right moment to carry out attacks on security forces.

Analysts add that a comprehensive strategy is needed to address the increasing militancy in Jammu involving enhanced intelligence gathering and better coordination among security forces.

The series of terror attacks also goes on to highlight the urgency of reassessing and strengthening the security grid to ensure the safety and stability of the region.

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दो लोग मिले स्वाइन फ्लू पाजीटिव

जिले में स्वाइन फ्लू से 66 साल की एक महिला की मौत हो गई। उसके बाद से स्वास्थ्य विभाग ने कांटेक्ट ट्रेसिंग किया तो घर के एक महिला व एख पुरुष पाजीटिव मिले। उन्हें होम आइसोलेट किया गया है। इनमें से महिला शिक्षिका है और वह जिस स्कूल में पदस्थ है उस स्कूल के शिक्षकों का भी सोमवार को टेस्ट होगा ।

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Saturday, August 10, 2024

Scotland Business School Offers Scholarships To International Students, Check Details

Strathclyde Business School in Glasgow, Scotland is offering multiple scholarships to international students for master's courses starting in January 2025. These scholarships range from 9,000 pounds (approximately Rs 9.61 lakh) to 12,000 pounds (approximately Rs 12.82 lakh), based on the course fee and the candidate's subject area. A total of 35 scholarships are available, awarded based on merit. Students are advised to avoid submitting multiple applications.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Candidates should be self-financed (not receiving other scholarships, employer sponsorships, etc.).
  • Applicants must have received an offer for an MSc program starting in January 2025.
  • Candidates must be considered international students for tuition purposes.
  • Students will get only one scholarship per academic year from the university
  • Online and blended learning programs do not qualify for this scholarship.
  • Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis beginning in August 2024.
  • The final date to submit scholarship applications is December 4, 2024.
  • Scholarship decisions are conclusive and cannot be contested.

Students pursuing courses in faculties such as accounting and finance, economics, entrepreneurship, human resource management, marketing, business, hospitality and tourism, management, management science, and data analytics are eligible to apply.

The application process requires students to submit a 1,000-word statement outlining their academic accomplishments, pertinent professional or extracurricular experiences, and career aspirations.

Scholarship awardees will also be expected to engage in a variety of activities during their course of study, including:

  • Monitoring and contributing to future applicant forums and responding with information regarding the relevant course
  • Taking an active role in either the social committee or class rep committee
  • Volunteering as an admissions contact for prospective students
  • Assisting the school in the development and management of events
  • Retaining alumni communication post-MSc completion

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